Putting Together A Unique, Varied Bedroom

Home & Garden Blog

Interior design runs in cycles. Like everything else, it has trends and fashions that change and develop over time. For the last few years, there's been a strong tendency toward minimalism; in increasing numbers people have been painting their bedrooms white and hanging ethereal muslin curtains across their windows. If this isn't quite your thing, that's fine -- but it can feel a bit like you don't know where to start, especially when none of the current interior design magazines are catering to you. This article will help you find the right decorating style for your bedroom.

Remember That Not Everything Has To Match

People often feel like they have to make their bedrooms extremely uniform in style. You may have been considering buying a 'bedroom suite' -- a bed, headboard, set of bedside tables, wardrobe, chest or drawers and dressing table (or some other combination of these pieces) that have been designed to go together perfectly. These can be great, but it's possible to break up the harsh, clean lines of a matchy-matchy bedroom just by mixing up your furniture a bit. You don't have to buy all these things as a set. You don't even have to get two identical bedside tables if you don't want to.

Mix Up Textures For More Interest

Even if you stay within a pretty narrow colour palate, there's a lot you can do with different kinds of textures and fabric. Velvet curtains contrast beautifully with a satin bedspread and rag rugs, even if they're all the same shade of burgundy. This is also an excellent way to make things easy to change around with the season and your mood -- you might be amazed what a refresh of your textiles can do when you feel like your bedroom is looking a bit tired.

Look At Your Furniture For Inspiration

If you already have a piece of bedroom furniture you really love, what can you do to make it fit in with the room in a new and interesting way? A cast-iron headboard, for example, could get you thinking about an industrialist look -- something with lots of rivets and a slightly steampunk edge. A dressing table that wouldn't look amiss on the set of a period drama could be the starting point for a gorgeous 1930s boudoir. Think about your favourite bits of furniture in new ways, and you might be surprised by where they take you.

There's no harm in breaking away from current trends. Your bedroom is probably the most intensely personal room in your house. The more you feel like it's a reflection of yourself the more you'll enjoy spending time relaxing in it. For more ideas and information, contact a company like Sweetdreams Bedding Co.


22 January 2015

Improve your Bathroom

Hello. My name is Tina and this is my home improvement blog. The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. My mother used to always say that you could discover a lot about a person by how clean their bathroom was. Because of this advice, I have always been very worried about the state of my bathroom. Last year, I was convinced that the bathroom was too old and grubby so I contacted a team of contractors who came out to work on it. They re-tiled the place and installed a new sink and splashback. I really love me new bathroom and I hope you like my new blog.