Door Blinds | 3 Sharp Attentions When Outfitting Blinds Against Sliding Doors

Home & Garden Blog

Choosing window blinds can sometimes be daunting because of the sheer number of choices available to you, but you have to consider more factors when you decide to incorporate blinds against your sliding doors. This guide is designed to help you consider some sharp factors when you outfit blinds for the sliding doors in your home.

Choose Blinds With A Vertical Orientation

Vertical blinds are ideal for sliding doors because they stack open sideways, in comparison to horizontal blinds that stack open upwards. This makes it difficult to operate horizontal blinds against sliding doors. Since vertical blinds follow the same direction that the sliding door opens, they are a far more fitting solution for your home because they do not interfere with the operation of the door or the door handle. Vertical blinds look best when they cover the entire dimension of the sliding door from an aesthetic perspective, so make sure you plan the blind size based on your specific door measurements.  

Add Clipping Brackets For Extra Stability Against Doors

When your blinds are lowered while the sliding door is open, chances of wind blowing them around is high. This could damage your sliding door blinds as they keep swinging, so add clipping brackets to the bottom to hold them in place. You can either buy them separately at a home improvement store or you can choose to buy them from the blind manufacturer directly. You will need to fit these brackets between the blinds and the door frame to ensure it doesn't aggressively swing when the sliding doors are open in windy conditions.

Choose Fabrics That Can Withstand Exterior Weather Conditions

When you choose blinds, you must keep in mind that you're probably going to keep your sliding doors open every once in a while, so the fabric or material must be able to withstand exterior weather conditions like heavy winds and rain. Cloth fabric may not be a feasible choice because it can become wet and dirty when exposed to water and dirt. PVC, canvas or faux timber materials are good choices when it comes to fitting blinds against sliding doors because they can easily be wiped down and are easy maintenance solutions. Similarly, darker coloured materials hold out better against extreme weather conditions because they camouflage stains and marks more easily than lighter coloured sliding door blinds.

If you're looking to outfit blinds against your sliding doors, be sure to consider these vital factors for making the right decisions for your home.


14 June 2016

Improve your Bathroom

Hello. My name is Tina and this is my home improvement blog. The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. My mother used to always say that you could discover a lot about a person by how clean their bathroom was. Because of this advice, I have always been very worried about the state of my bathroom. Last year, I was convinced that the bathroom was too old and grubby so I contacted a team of contractors who came out to work on it. They re-tiled the place and installed a new sink and splashback. I really love me new bathroom and I hope you like my new blog.